Re: [whatwg] A mask="" advisory flag for <link rel=icon>

Adding a whole new attribute for this seems like overkill, why not use the

<link rel="icon mask" href="..." sizes="...">

That's what the rel list was designed for.

On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 10:37 AM, Edward O'Connor <>

> When <link> is used to pull in external resources, authors may use
> several attributes as hints about the linked resource to help UAs decide
> whether or not to load it.
> ...
> This combines well with the other resource hints we already have:
>     <link rel=icon href=mask.svg type=image/svg+xml sizes=any mask>
> There are any number of properties UAs might want to use when deciding
> whether or not to load a resource, so you might think we shouldn't add a
> new, one-off attribute every time we identify one. Instead, we could add
> a generic hints attribute and have it take a space-separated list of
> advisory info about the resource.

That space separated list already exists, it's called rel.

- E

Received on Monday, 15 June 2015 22:56:34 UTC