[whatwg] Clarification for window.opener.location.href


This bug has been open for Chromium since last year:

It describes the ability of a popup window or other tab to modify the 
location of it's window.opener even when the two windows have different 
domains. Basically window.opener.location.href = "whatever" works all 
the time, regardless of origin restrictions, and pretty much works that 
way across all browsers.

This seems to indicate that this behavior isn't allowed:

This issue is pretty big for sites that host user-generated content, as 
it's easy to create an attack, such as:

1. Go to a UGC site that allows uploading files with embedded links.
2. Upload a file containing a link to an attacker's page.
3. When someone clicks the link, the attacker page redirects the original window to a page that looks like the UGC site but is actually a phishing site designed to look like it. The user doesn't notice this because focus is on the attacker's page in the new window while the redirect happens.

So my question is: is the spec incorrect in that it should reflect 
reality? Or are browsers incorrect and we should be hounding them to fix 
this behavior?

Nicholas C. Zakas

Received on Monday, 5 January 2015 23:05:52 UTC