Re: [whatwg] Fetch Objects and scripts/stylesheets

On Jul 22, 2014, at 5:33 PM, Ian Hickson <> wrote:

> On Tue, 22 Jul 2014, Ben Maurer wrote:
>> To follow this up with a concrete suggestion:
>> var myfetch = window.fetch('my.css', {'fetch-as': 'stylesheet'});
>> myfetch.then(function(resp) {
>>  document.body.appendChild(resp.body.asStyleSheet());
>> });
>> ...
> Why not:
>   var mystyle = E('link', { rel: 'stylesheet', href: 'my.css', whenneeded: true });
>   document.body.appendChild(mystyle);
>   var myfetch = mystyle.fetch;
>   ...
> ...where "E()" is some mechanism to easily create new elements (we need 
> one of those regardless), and "whenneeded" is some attribute that controls 
> the load policy (and in this case, tells it to not load yet, since I 
> presume that's what you're going to do next with the "myfetch" variable)?
> ("whenneeded" here is a placeholder. I don't expect to actually go with 
> that. I just used it because it's what I had proposed the last time this 
> came up.)
> That seems like it'd be no more complicated, but would involve less new 
> API surface (not to mention fewer new ways to shoot yourself in the foot, 
> e.g. getting the 'fetch-as' value wrong), and wouldn't require us to come 
> up with a way to enumerate all the kinds of fetch in an API.

That seems like a reasonable approach to the problem at hand.  It still poses a question as to how we can add a similar API for other types of resources (videos, images, etc…).  Any thoughts on that?

- R. Niwa

Received on Thursday, 11 September 2014 23:52:28 UTC