Re: [whatwg] New approach to activities/intents

Anne van Kesteren <> writes:

> A couple of us at Mozilla have been trying to figure out how to revive
> activities/intents for the web. Both work relatively well in closed
> environments such as Firefox OS and Android, but seem harder to deploy
> in a generic way on the web.
> What we've been looking at instead is solving a smaller use case. A
> Sharing API to start and then hopefully reuse the building blocks for
> other features that need to be liberated.
> has a sketch for what a very
> minimal Sharing API could look like.
> Our thinking is that something like the overlay browsing context could
> be reused to make e.g. <input type=file> or "save as" extensible going
> forward.
> However, admittedly it still doesn't really click. It feels a bit too
> much like e.g. the various search extensions browsers offer. Too much
> work for little return. Furthermore, freeing the web somehow from
> closely knitted silos seems like a worthwhile goal, but is often
> counter to what those silos are interested in. So it might be that
> we're still not quite there yet, thoughts appreciated.

I would actually love it if I got something more like the search
extensions, as they do work unobtrusively and without scripting.

I also find creating OpenSearch XML easier than scripting stuff.

Nils Dagsson Moskopp // erlehmann

Received on Monday, 17 November 2014 02:41:01 UTC