Re: [whatwg] addPath and CanvasPathMethods

On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 8:15 AM, Justin Novosad <> wrote:

> Sorry for the confusion, the point I was trying to make was unrelated to
> the CTM question (almost). My point is that the tesselation of a path is
> something that can be cached in a Path2D object.
> If you do this, you can take advantage of the cached tessellation:
> (apply tranform 1 to ctx)
> ctx.fill(path1)
> (apply tranform 2 to ctx)
> ctx.fill(path2)
> If you do it this way, the aggregated path needs to be re-tesselated each
> time because the winding rule would need to be re-applied:
> (apply tranform 1 to ctx)
> ctx.addPath(path1)
> (apply tranform 2 to ctx)
> ctx.addPath(path2)
> ctx.fill();
> Technically, these two ways of drawing are not equivalent (depends on
> compositing mode, transparency, and winding rule, overlaps between paths),
> but they can be used to achieve similar things.  Nonetheless the second way
> is detrimental to performance, and we'd be encouraging it by providing an
> addPath method on the context.  Besides, if the dev really needs to add
> paths together, it can be done inside an intermediate path object.

An implementation can turn #2 into #1 if the paths obviously don't overlap.
If they might overlap, the author probably shouldn't be doing the latter!
TBH I don't see why authors would choose the latter approach.

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waanndt  wyeonut  thoo mken.o w

Received on Thursday, 20 March 2014 23:25:19 UTC