Re: [whatwg] MutationObserver Spec for AddedNodes Timing & network requests

On 7/21/14, 12:42 PM, milakam wrote:
> If the alert scripts are referenced as external js files it will alert
> good.js in Chrome. seems to disagree.

> This doesn't sound too bad "Safari 5.0 and later (and other WebKit-based
> browsers) generates a "beforeload" event before loading each subresource
> belonging to a webpage. The "beforeload" event is generated before
> loading every script, iframe, image, or style sheet specified in the
> webpage, for example." from
> Anyone knows why this never made it into the spec?

How would this interact with a preload scanner, exactly?

> Or are there alternatives?

Are we talking about web pages here, or browser extensions?


Received on Monday, 21 July 2014 17:13:35 UTC