[whatwg] Form Controls Wish List

Here's what I want.

1.       Form `dirty` property. Set to false, initially. Set to true
when the user has interacted with any of the form's controls to make
them dirty.

2.       HTMLFormControl. Why is there no HTMLFormControl interface? I
see HTMLFormControlsCollection but no HTMLFormControl. HTMLElement
doesn't cover HTMLSelectElement. I see a 'listed' category. Why no
interface defining HTMLFormControl?

3.       To determine if a form control is eligible for success (see
below) `HTMLFormControl.isEnabled`

4.       To get the value of a form's enabled controls as a string:
HTMLFormElement.serialize(type, callbackFunction). `type` can be
"json" or "query".

5.       Set the value of a form's controls using
HTMLForm.revive(object[, metaReviver])

(3) Disabled Fieldset
Disabling a fieldset disables its descendant controls but does not
change their disabled property. Thus, a disabled fieldset's descendant
controls won't succeed, however, its descendant controls' `disabled`
property can be true.

>From what I understand, the word "disabled" it appears in HTML5 is
overloaded to describe the following three different things:

1)      The form control's disabled `property` *

2)      The form control's disabled attribute (content attribute) **

3)      The form control's eligibility for success. ***

I propose changing one of these -- the last -- to the positive sense
-- isEnabled, and exposing that in the DOM. Because it's not so useful
to have a form whose disabled property is false but the form is
"disabled" due to being a descendant of a disabled fieldset.

The proposed form control `isEnabled` property determines if the
control is eligible for success. This property exists for the purpose
of handling the situation where a control's `disabled` property is
false and the control is a descendant of a disabled fieldset. In this
case, the control's `isEnabled` property and disabled property will
both be false and the control will not be eligible for success.

 *    http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/the-input-element.html#htmlinputelement
 **    http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/association-of-controls-and-forms.html#attr-fe-disabled
 ***    http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec-preview/attributes-common-to-form-controls.html#enabling-and-disabling-form-controls

"A form control is disabled if its disabled attribute is set, or if it
is a descendant of a fieldset element whose disabled attribute is

Disabling fieldsets is potentially quite useful; it just needs better
support and a better DOM api for nested controls.

That's my wishlist for forms.

Received on Friday, 11 July 2014 04:03:27 UTC