Re: [whatwg] Script preloading: Browser Pre-compiled Scripts Cache?

> It goes beyond frameworks if based on pure 'access frequency'.
> For example, a site backend you use daily or you favorite web app would be
> also benefit.
> Including the G+, Twitter and Facebook site's scripts, Map APIs, Google
> News, or whatever you access most frequently from your machine.

For scripts that are always delivered through a single URL, no standard
change is needed in order to make this optimization happen. As Boris
pointed out, this is already done in Firefox [1]

> And I am not thinking 'installation' or 'packages' in the sense that you
> expressed.
> That was my early thinking too, but say Google providing jQuery and all
> the hosted APIs preloaded in Chrome seems too difficult to handle, due to
> versioning aspects as well as limited scope.
> To be truly worth, it needs to be broad, based on access frequency by urls.

Unfortunately, for framework caching, using only URLs for caching purposes
have proven to be insufficient, resulting in very little code reuse across
sites, because of multiple CDNS and versioning [2]


Received on Monday, 15 July 2013 22:03:09 UTC