Re: [whatwg] New URL Standard

Le 21 sept. 2012 à 17:16, Anne van Kesteren a écrit :
> I took a crack at defining URLs:

Very cool.

On cite attributes, I'm using urn:isbn:

<blockquote cite="urn:isbn:2-7073-1038-7">
   <p>J'aime la liberté. J'aime être responsable 
      de mes actes. J'aime comprendre ce que je 
      fais… Et, cependant, je donne mon accord 
      à ce marché bizarre.</p>
Which I can use and parse with an extension in Opera [1] which convert it into a link to the Open Library. In the future I could give accessibilities to different services, and the user could choose its own reference system.

In this case.

All of that, it would be cool to be able to grab the relevant part of the URI without having to regex the string return by the cite attribute.

PS: and Yes I can live with not being there if you say no ;)


Karl Dubost -
Developer Relations, Opera Software

Received on Monday, 24 September 2012 09:48:32 UTC