Re: [whatwg] srcset javascript implementation (Respondu)

On 2012-05-21 04:21, David Clements wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Just to let you all know, I've written a javascript implementation of
> srcset using a framework for responsive images (which I also wrote)
> called Respondu (I'm open to new name suggestions), I'd love it if someone
> could check that I've implemented srcset right.
> Respondu manages to process the DOM without allowing any assets (contained
> in the body) to load, it also gracefully degrades for non-js
> browsers and is fairly unintrusive (it simply wraps the contents of the
> body tags).
> Check out the github page (feedback, pull requests, lunch money etc.
> welcome)
> ...


This looks like you are splitting the attribute value by ","?

Best regards, Julian

Received on Monday, 21 May 2012 07:00:19 UTC