[whatwg] Limiting the amount of downloaded but not watched video

On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 8:22 AM, Philip J?genstedt <philipj at opera.com>wrote:

> If the available bandwidth exceeds the bandwidth of the resource, some kind
> of throttling must eventually be used. There are mainly 2 options for doing
> this:

> 1. Throttle at the TCP level by not reading data from the socket (not at
> all to suspend, or at a controlled rate to buffer ahead)
> 2. Use HTTP byte ranges, making many smaller requests with any kind of
> throttling at the TCP level

You're talking about Opera's implementation and not in spec, right?  This is
something UA's should have a lot of freedom with, and I assume this
low-level detail about how to use HTTP is out of scope for the HTML spec.

> (Since there is some overhead with each HTTP request, one must make sure
> that they are not unreasonably small.)
> When HTTP byte ranges are used to achieve bandwidth management, it's hard
> to talk about a single downloadBufferTarget that is the number of seconds
> buffered ahead. Rather, there might be an upper and lower limit within which
> the browser tries to stay, so that each request can be of a reasonable size.
> Neither an author-provided minumum or maximum value can be followed
> particularly closely, but could possibly be taken as a hint of some sort.

Does it actually make sense to specify the read-ahead size, or should it
simply be a flag (eg. "unlimited", "small buffer" and "don't care")?  Is
there really a case for setting the actual read-ahead value directly?  In a
sense, that seems akin to allowing web pages to control the TCP buffer sizes
used by the client's browser--it's lower level than people usually care

In particular, I'm thinking that most of the time all people care about is
"read ahead a little" vs. "read ahead a lot", and publishers shouldn't need
to figure out the right buffer size to use for the former (and very likely
getting it wrong).

Glenn Maynard

Received on Wednesday, 19 January 2011 16:14:12 UTC