[whatwg] Do we really need a <device> element?

Bjartur, real-time streaming audio uploads enable pronunciation assessment
for language instruction during multiplayer online roleplaying games such as
those by http://www.8dworld.com

input type=file accept="audio/x-speex;quality=(0-10);bitrate=..." is more
important, and accept="audio/ogg video/x-webm, video/ogg" are all fairly
important, too.

On Jun 12, 2010 11:15 AM, "Bjartur Thorlacius" <svartman95 at gmail.com> wrote:

What is the use case for <device>?
I?ve searched the archives, read a thread, Googled around and read a
document on the subject, but still I haven?t found a use case for it
other than it is going to magically increase user privacy.

<input type=file accept="audio/*"> is a standard and compatible way to
request audio stream(s). I can?t see any drawbacks to using <input>
for audiovisual streams at least.

  - Bjartur
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Received on Saturday, 12 June 2010 14:47:10 UTC