[whatwg] <a onlyreplace>

On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 12:28 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. <jackalmage at gmail.com>wrote:

> Well, the point is that this should generally act as just an
> optimization of normal navigation.  Clicking on <a href=foo
> onlyreplace=bar> should give you the same result as clicking on <a
> href=foo>, just without the overall page getting flushed.  So the
> address should update to "http://example.com/foo", etc.

I've only been partially following this thread, so this may have been
answered previously. Is this an accurate summary of what you're thinking of?

Clicking <a href="foo"> and <a href="foo" onlyreplace="bar"> would send the
exact same headers to the server with the exception of a single extra header
for the @onlyreplace version?

In the case of @onlyreplace, would the #bar element end up being replaced,
or just its content? Would the server be expected to reply with <div
id="bar">...</dv> or just what would would become bar.innerHTML?
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Received on Sunday, 18 October 2009 09:40:33 UTC