[whatwg] <video>/<audio> feedback

At 8:45  +1000 8/05/09, Silvia Pfeiffer wrote:
>On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 5:04 AM, David Singer <singer at apple.com> wrote:
>>  At 8:39  +0200 5/05/09, K?i"tof ?elechovski wrote:
>>>  If the author wants to show only a sample of a resource and not the full
>>>  resource, I think she does it on purpose.  It is not clear why it is vital
>>>  for the viewer to have an _obvious_ way to view the whole resource
>>>  instead;
>>>  if it were the case, the author would provide for this.
>>>  IMHO,
>>>  Chris
>>  It depends critically on what you think the semantics of the fragment are.
>>   In HTML (the best analogy I can think of), the web page is not trimmed or
>>  edited in any way -- you are merely directed to one section of it.
>There are critical differences between HTML and video, such that this
>analogy has never worked well.

could you elaborate?

>  > Given both of these, I tend towards using # as a focus of attention;  if
>>  trimming is desired, the server should probably do it (maybe using ?).
>Just making sure I understand your suggestion correctly: I assume you
>are saying that both # and ? would be able to only deliver the data
>fragment that relates to the given specified temporal fragment, but
>you are suggesting that by using "#" the user agent is being told to
>present the context, while by using "?" the user agent would focus
>attention on the fragment only. Is that what you're saying or am I

Roughly, yes.  I am saying that

? -- the author of the URI has to know that the 
server he points the URI at supports the ? 
syntax.  The server essentially makes a resource 
using the query instructions, and delivers it to 
the UA.

# -- the UA focuses the user's attention on, and 
optimizes the network usage for that focus of, 
the indicated fragment.  It does this (a) 
visually, using whatever indicator it likes (we 
don't specify what the 'controller' looks like) 
and (b) using whatever network support it can get 
from the server (time-range, byte-range, or no 
support at all).

A reason I say this is that technically I believe 
that # is stripped by the UA;  we cannot then put 
a delivery requirement in, because that would 
apply to the server, which doesn't even get to 
see the # in all likelihood.

David Singer
Multimedia Standards, Apple Inc.

Received on Thursday, 7 May 2009 16:43:55 UTC