[whatwg] Dates BCE

2009/7/30 Elliotte Rusty Harold <elharo at ibiblio.org>

> I note in
> http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#valid-date-string
> that "Dates before the year zero can't be represented as a datetime in
> this version of HTML." This seems a serious omission. Why can we
> represent the birth of Nero but not the birth of Julius Caesar? Are
> there plans to rectify it?

I sure hope there are! Historians and classicists are increasingly
publishing to the web, and being unable to mark up years BCE in HTML 5 would
hinder this. That said, marking up a year, say 1992 AD, (as opposed to a
specific day within a specific month within a specific year, e.g. 3rd
September 1992) also seems to be hard or impossible in HTML 5... unless I've
misread the spec.
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Received on Thursday, 30 July 2009 07:05:10 UTC