[whatwg] Installed Apps

2009/7/28 Jonas Sicking <jonas at sicking.cc>

> The only concern I see with this is that it permanently forces all
> windows from the same domain to run in the same process. As things
> stand today, if the user opens two tabs (or windows) and navigates to
> the two different pages on www.example.com, then a browser could if it
> so wished use separate processes to run those two pages. If we enabled
> this API the two pages would have to run in the same process, even if
> neither page actually used this new API.
> This is one of the arguments for layering on the AppCache: the app would
have to take action, through an attribute in the manifest, at a level where
the browser could make the decision whether to join two windows into the
same process.

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Received on Tuesday, 28 July 2009 14:23:19 UTC