[whatwg] A New Way Forward for HTML5 (revised)

John Foliot wrote:
> Peter Kasting wrote:
>> It seems like the only thing you could ask for beyond
>> this is the ability to directly insert your own changes
>> into the spec without prior editorial oversight.  I think
>> that might be what you're asking for.  This seems very
>> unwise.
> Really? This appears to be exactly the single, special status privilege
> currently reserved for Ian Hickson.


> It is, in fact a serious complaint
> that many are trying to correct, including Manu with his offer to assist
> in setting up a more egalitarian solution.

In fact, Manu is an instance proof that the previous statement you made 
is false.

Ian is free to produce Working Drafts that are published by this working 
group.  The status of such drafts are, and I quote[1]:

     "Consensus is not a prerequisite for approval to publish; the
     Working Group MAY request publication of a Working Draft even
     if it is unstable and does not meet all Working Group requirements."

Both you and Manu have exactly the same ability as Ian does in this 
respect.  Ian has asked the group for permission to publish, and that 
was granted.  Manu has produced a document but has yet to request 
permission to publish as a Working Draft.  You are welcome to do 

> JF

- Sam Ruby

[1] http://www.w3.org/2005/10/Process-20051014/tr.html#first-wd
[2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2009Jul/0627.html

Received on Monday, 27 July 2009 11:43:10 UTC