[whatwg] Installed Apps

On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 3:05 AM, Mike Wilson<mikewse at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Drew Wilson wrote:
>> SharedWorkers are overloaded to provide a way for
>> pages under the same domain to share state, but
>> this seems like an orthogonal goal to "parallel
>> execution" and I suspect that we may have ended
>> up with a cleaner solution had we decided to
>> address the "shared state" issue via a separate
>> mechanism.
>> [...]
>> 3) Sharing between pages requires going through
>> the database or shared worker - you can't just
>> party on a big shared datastructure.
> Assuming this shared state doesn't require a full
> JavaScript global context, and could do with some
> root object or collection, would it be possible to
> extend Web Storage to support this task?

A big part of what the Gmail team is interested in sharing is quite a
lot of javascript (loaded, parsed, jit'd... ready to call functions).
Along with that, the app can maintian shared state as well, but a big
part of this feature request is sharing the code itself. In the
absence of JS languange changes (analogous to DLLs or SOs for JS), I
think this does call for a full JS context.

Received on Monday, 3 August 2009 11:29:14 UTC