[whatwg] localStorage behavior when cookies mode is session-only

There's already a giant thread about this topic, I suggest you join that

browsing vs. Storage and Databases"


On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 2:13 PM, Honza Bambas <honzab at allpeers.com> wrote:

>  In the W3C spec for localStorage
> http://dev.w3.org/html5/webstorage/#the-localstorage-attribute is said to
> present it (the persistent storage) the same way as cookies.
> There were suggestion to throw DOM_QUOTA_ERROR exception when storing to
> localStorage in case when cookies are in a session-only mode for a
> host/page. It makes sense from several reasons. This way web apps may decide
> or inform user about situation that the page cannot store to localStorage
> while there is no way for the page to figure out that cookies mode is
> session-only and web app still may freely read from the storage.
> My suggestion is then:
> - allow a page to obtain valid localStorage object
> - allow read from it
> - throw DOM_QUOTA_ERROR when storing to it
> But I don't know what to do in case of call to clear() and removeItem()
> methods. It would exposes the cookie behavior again when it fails/throws.
> -hb-
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Received on Thursday, 9 April 2009 14:16:25 UTC