[whatwg] Scripted querying of <video> capabilities

At 7:40  +0200 14/10/08, Nils Dagsson Moskopp wrote:
>What's a "portal page" - wouldn't it be the job of the Browser / 
>Media Framework to prompt for codec installs ?

They are used today;  it's a page with a 'published URL' through 
which people normally gain access to the site.  You can check there 
whether the UA is suitable for the rest of the site, help teh user 
find and install anything they need, and so on.

No, I don't think authors can expect that the UA will automatically 
suggest codec installs.  It doesn't know the basis, and maintaining a 
reliable database of mimetype->download-site mappings would be a pain.

David Singer

Received on Monday, 13 October 2008 22:51:58 UTC