[whatwg] JSON support for worker postMessage

Well, you'd probably want to support things like

w.postMessage({ command: "do cool thing",
                 data: myBlob });

/ Jonas

Aaron Boodman wrote:
> If you support worker.sendMessage(<stuff>), where <stuff> is defined
> by convenience to be: whatever you are allowed to send
> JSON.stringify(), then you could expand this in the future to also
> allow blobs w/o changing anything about JSON.
> - a
> On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 8:10 PM, Jonas Sicking <jonas at sicking.cc> wrote:
>> Indeed. Blobs is a great idea. We'll probably have to create further JSON
>> extensions to support that.
>> / Jonas
>> Aaron Boodman wrote:
>>> +1, because I think it will be useful to pass other things to workers
>>> that JSON cannot represent (blobs) in the future.
>>> - a
>>> On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 8:03 PM, Jonas Sicking <jonas at sicking.cc> wrote:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> Ben just wrote up a patch to support JSON objects as well as primitive
>>>> values (0, null, false, etc) to be passed to and from workers using
>>>> postMessage.
>>>> Wanted to see what the reactions to this was. Is it a good idea or not?
>>>> I seem to recall this coming up in the past in the original feedback
>>>> about
>>>> what features people wanted.
>>>> The technical details are as follows:
>>>> Any of the following values are passed by value as-is:
>>>> * strings
>>>> * numbers
>>>> * booleans
>>>> * undefined
>>>> * null
>>>> Anything else is passed to JSON.stringify (defined by Ecmascript drafts
>>>> here[1]). If calling JSON.stringify throws the same error will be thrown
>>>> by
>>>> the function. Otherwise the message event fired on the other 'side' will
>>>> contain the result of JSON.parse.
>>>> / Jonas

Received on Monday, 17 November 2008 20:18:21 UTC