[whatwg] <input type="text" accept="">

Quoting Matthew Raymond <mattraymond at earthlink.net>:
>> If you just give some media type it's very unclear
>> what the particular side effects of such a media type would be.
>    No more unclear that the potential side effects of |class|, given the
> existence of microformats.

As I understand Ian is what you do with a media type up the the  
implementation. From what I heard microformats have some formal  
definition on what is expected when you see a particular class name  
while a particular URI is inside the profile attribute of the head  
element. I'm not really sure why you're making this comparison either.

> [...] I don't see what baring that has on syntax
> highlighting, though.

Highlighting omissions or errors for example...

> [...] I don't see the utility of enforcing the
> use of a specific language via a vocabulary list.

It's not about enforcing or preventing submission at all. It's about  
aiding users. As far as I understand that's what the inline spell  
checking is for.

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Friday, 9 June 2006 13:36:35 UTC