[whatwg] ISO 639 / ISO 3166 / ISO 4217 inputs

Yes - but it puts the requiremment to keep the data up to date in the
hands of the browser, rather than the application developer. It could
also (if you want to) makes it configurable (you could define your own
county list across all sites, and specify a default selected country; as
the browser generally has a default language / country anyway, this
would be straightforward). I agree it is not a hardship to get people to
type country names, but usually these appear in a <select> menu, and it
would be good to have a default country option selected. Most web forms
I have to fill in (registration) have standard inputs that my browser
can autofill (name, e-mail, telephone, etc.) but most also have an
(apparently) identical country selector, crying out for standardization!

> In message <5984AE6FCA91944C8E4FAABA4F2822BA9F40CC at mx2.ITN.LOCAL>, 
> "Wrigley, Ave" <Ave.Wrigley at itn.co.uk> writes
> >Especially country codes - I don't know how many
> >times I have seen different implementations of country 
> selectors on web 
> >forms. It would be good to abstact this away, especially as it 
> >centralises the maintenance of the list of countries.
> That's a really good idea.
> There would have to be some kind of requirement to keep the data 
> up-to-date though, otherwise people living in newly-invented 
> countries 
> would have a hard time.
> It would be good because the web browser could automatically put the 
> user's own country near the top of the list.
> But then, asking people to type a country name isn't such a hardship.
> -- 
> George Lund
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