[whatwg] WF2 part 1-3

On Aug 28, 2004, at 18:46, Ian Hickson wrote:

>    name="something.2r[two_row]"
> ...so then your form controls would be:
>    something.2r0
>    something.1r0
> ...etc.

BTW, dots (and parentheses) have a special meaning in Struts. I suspect 
autogenerating names with dots will be problematic when adding WF2 
features to Struts apps.

"foo" means that the value goes to setFoo() of the form bean and 
"foo.bar" means the value goes to setBar() of the bean returned by 
getFoo() of the form bean.

Henri Sivonen
hsivonen at iki.fi

Received on Saturday, 28 August 2004 11:35:56 UTC