[whatwg] Re: credit card numbers

Also sprach Malcolm Rowe:

 > > credit card numbers have their own type. Perhaps expire dates should
 > > as well. This would help auto-fillout immensely and merchants would
 > > rejoice.
 > <input type="month"> (previously known as type="expdate")?
 > "This type is used most frequently for credit card expiry dates."
 >  -- http://whatwg.org/specs/web-forms/current-work/#month 
 > Or am I missing something here? 

"Month" is quite generic, and can be used for many purposes. "expdate"
is more specific. If your UA knows the expdate of your credit card it
can automatically fill inn the "expdate" control. However, filling in
the expdate into "month" controls would be problematic since it's used
for other purposes as well.

I suggest having both.

              H?kon Wium Lie                          CTO ??e??
howcome at opera.com                  http://people.opera.com/howcome

Received on Wednesday, 4 August 2004 06:29:22 UTC