WebXR call agenda, Jan 9th 2018

First call of the new year! We've had a long break due to the holidays, so
I expect there will be a fair amount that people want to cover. As usual,
please respond with any items you would like to have added to the agenda.

*Call date:* Tuesday Jan 9th (and every other Tuesday thereafter)
*Call time:* 1:00 PM PST for one hour
‎*Call in number:* +1 319 332 7047 <(319)%20332-7047>‬
*PIN:* ‪9744#‬

*Call Agenda Items:*

   - Details of "Ideas" repo creation (Including name, explainer, code of
   conduct, etc.)
   - Progress on WebXR Device API spec
   - WebXR polyfill
   - Short-term input solutions

As this is only the second call to use a new call-in system (Google Meet)
we'd continue to appreciate any feedback on difficulties joining the call.

--Brandon Jones

Received on Monday, 8 January 2018 22:42:26 UTC