Re: Methods and attributes being removed from Chrome 59's WebVR 1.1 implementation

What does this mean for "head-locked" UI elements? With WebVR 1.1, there is
no non-deprecated way to get the position and orientation of the head
separately from that of the two eyes. In WebVR 2.0, there is a
`poseModelMatrix` attribute in the `VRDevicePose` class. Though it hasn't
yet been documented, the name seems pretty obvious.

So if `getPose()` is getting removed from Chrome 59, is `poseModelMatrix`
getting added, before WebVR 2.0 is finalized? Or are we going to have to
try to decompose the `leftViewMatrix` and `rightViewMatrix` in some way to
be able to recombine them?

On Fri, Apr 14, 2017 at 7:31 PM, Brandon Jones <> wrote:

> Hi all!
> Wanted to give a heads up that in Chrome 59 (which branched today and
> should be hitting Beta channel in a couple of weeks) the WebVR
> implementation (still the 1.1 API) will have several methods and attributes
> removed. Specifically:
> - VRDisplay.getPose()
> - VRDisplay.resetPose()
> - VRDisplay.isConnected
> - VRDisplayCapabilities.hasOrientation
> - VREyeParameters.fieldOfView
> These have also been marked as "deprecated" in the WebVR 1.1 spec. They were removed because no equivalent functionality is planned for WebVR 2.0 and we want to ween WebVR apps off of them now so that the eventual migration to 2.0 will be smoother.
> You can see the associated bug, with links to the code change, here:
> Thanks!
> --Brandon

Thank you,
Sean T. McBeth
CEO, Primrose LLC <>
T:> 717.261.7689 <//717.261.7689>

Received on Monday, 17 April 2017 01:04:06 UTC