Re: Introduction Voxtok and proposal for multiroom audio use-case addition to the draft spec

Hi all

Wiki support is enabled and linked from the community group main page.

It's empty at this point and I won't have time to do anything about that
for a while (vacation).

JC, if you want to add some use cases right away, feel free to do so right
away. Same goes for the rest of you.


2016-07-11 12:14 GMT+02:00 Francois Daoust <>:

> Hi Ingar, JC,
> That all looks like a good idea to me :)
> On 11/07/2016 11:57, Ingar Mæhlum Arntzen wrote:
>> Hi JC.
>> I think it is a good idea to use a wiki and develop use cases there.
>> Requirements for each use case would additionally make it easier to see if
>> they are covered by the proposed solutions or not.
>> I've requested a wiki for the group ( <>).
>> Once we get it, I guess we could copy relevant structure from tv control
>> API CG, and start creating use cases (migrate from the spec?)
> Note that you could also use the Wiki of the GitHub repository as well (it
> does require a GitHub account but does not require any Git skills):
> Francois.

Received on Tuesday, 12 July 2016 19:21:01 UTC