Media Sync report

Hi all,

I've been working on a report [1] analyzing media elements in current
browsers.  It looks both into how well elements report their currentTime
property and how well we can manage to synchronize them with our
synchronization library. I'd like to make it an official report from the
group, so if anyone has comments or suggestions, please contribute.  The
report is not in any way complete in regards to media element analysis or
as a test suite, but it gives some valuable insights.

We have a site available for running the tests as well as browsing results
of currentTime experiments.  It's available on [2], but without much
explanation.  If you read the report first, you should easily be able to
validate, check or analyze browsers similarly.

Best regards,



Dr. Njål Borch
Senior researcher
Norut Tromsø, Norway

Received on Wednesday, 14 October 2015 19:21:28 UTC