Timing Object Draft Specification

Dear members of Multi-device Timing CG and WebTvIG

As you might have noticed on the webtiming mailing list there has been much
activity lately to get the spec draft for the Timing Object into a state
where it is readable and reasonably complete.

We believe it is now, so I'm about to publish it as a draft report on
behalf of the Multi-device Timing CG.

We are of course eager to have your feedback. The idea is to evolve it
further based on your comments so that it can be published as a final
report sometime late september - and then particularly be ready for
introduction into the Timed Media Working Group once that gets going

Also, please share with people that might share your interest in the
interoperability of timed media and temporal controls for the Web (both
single- and multi-device).


Best regards,

Ingar Arntzen (Chair Multi-device Timing CG)

Received on Friday, 28 August 2015 12:05:08 UTC