Re: [timingobject] Timestamps and reference clocks

+1 for requiring the use of the High Resolution Time clock where 

However, I confess I'm a bit at a loss when it comes to dropping the 
`now()` function. If you drop the `now()` function, wouldn't the 
timing provider's code need to adjust the parameters (e.g. velocity) 
of the state vector on a regular basis to adjust the clock used by the
 online timing service with the local HR clock? In turn, that would 
generate a number of fake (in the sense that they would not correspond
 to any real vector update) events.

I thought the goal was rather to expose the same state vector to all 
clients, and let the user agent adjust its internal clock to that 
imposed by the timing provider. What did I miss?

GitHub Notif of comment by tidoust

Received on Monday, 24 August 2015 09:38:26 UTC