F2F meeting in Seoul, 22-23 Nov.

Dear BG members,

I'm glad to announce the next F2F meeting of Web-based signage BG decided in TPAC2016 [1].
This opportunity is brought by kind invitation and arrangement of Mr. Shin-Gak Kang, ETRI.
Thank you, Mr. Kang!

The meeting information:
- Date: 22 (Tue.) - 23(Wed.) November 2016
- Time: 9:00-18:00 (both, but TBD)
- Meeting Venue: KOREANA Hotel [2]
- Potential Topic: Discussion of the architecture of Web-based signage and required APIs,
                    WG charter issue and AOB

I recommend you to reserve your flight and hotel as soon as possible.
The detail information of the meeting including registration will be provided soon.

I'm looking forward to meeting you in Seoul!

[1] https://www.w3.org/community/websignage/wiki/Group_meeting_at_TPAC_2016#Next_f2f_meeting
[2] http://www.koreanahotel.com/2013_home/main/index.asp

Best regards,
Kiyoshi Tanaka, Ph.D.
   NTT Service Evolution Laboratories

Received on Wednesday, 19 October 2016 02:14:33 UTC