Requirements Doc


Generally the requirements doc on the wiki looks good and is helpful for  
me - thanks to everyone who did the work.

Some small things to look at:

XMLHttpRequest Level 2 has changed its name to just be XMLHttpRequest.

R7 - I think you should look at the proposed Push API in the Web apps  
working group as another possibility. I hope to talk a little about this  
with you, or I will send more email later.

R10 - The web apps group has a number of storage systems in its work:  
Widgets, Web storage, indexedDB, file APIs, etc. It may be the group that  
works on fixing "appcache" (which is currently generally considered not  
very usable). These are already mentioned in R12 and R17.

There is some discussion in Web Apps about whether or not we should keep  
working on file system APIs - there are some people who think there isn't  
much call and that we already have too many storage APIs. So if you are  
interested in that, especially, and if you are in the web apps group,  
please provide feedback to the group on what you care about.

I'll see you all for the first 30 minutes of your meeting today.  
Unfortunately I am already meant to be in at least two conflicting  
meetings (Advisory Board and HTML), so other discussion will have to be  
during breaks and evenings...



Charles McCathie Nevile - Consultant (web standards) CTO Office, Yandex         Find more at

Received on Thursday, 1 November 2012 17:12:21 UTC