Re: Second Screen WG/CG F2F - registration open

Hi Anssi and All,

I regret that I will not be able to attend the meeting because I will have
another business in PM on the first day.
If available, I hope I could participate remotely in AM on the 1st day and
AM/PM on the 2nd day.

Best regards,

On Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 9:26 PM Kostiainen, Anssi <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I'm happy to announce the Second Screen WG/CG will have its next F2F
> meeting on 17-18 May 2018 in Berlin.
> Please register by 20 April 2018 using the following form:
> Please refer to the F2F logistics page for more information:
> Big thanks to our meeting host Fraunhofer FOKUS.
> Thanks,
> -Anssi (Second Screen WG/CG Chair)

Received on Tuesday, 6 March 2018 08:17:53 UTC