Re: Call for adoption - use case for "Trusted application, untrusted intermediary"

On 25/11/2018 21:22, Eric Rescorla wrote:
>     Rigth, but tunneling is the only mechanism specified in PERC, so I
>     assume that is the keying mechanism proposed when speaking about
>     accepting PERC in webrtc., I would not have any issue (in regards
>     of the
>     keying part) with setting the keys in js either on the app (for
>     trusted
>     app models) or in the identity server (for untrusted app model).
> The problem with this, as Martin indicates, is that this goes directly 
> against the security architecture we have otherwise been using for 
> WebRTC, which involves not having encryption keys handled by the JS or 
> carried directly over the signaling channel.

We are adding a new layer on top of current security architecture, so I 
fail to see how it invalidates it. As I would fail to see how allowing 
the js app to encrypt a websocket message would invalidate secure 
websockets security architecture.

You may consider it insufficient, but that is a different topic.

Best regards


Received on Sunday, 25 November 2018 20:46:16 UTC