Re: Getting rid of SDP

On Mar 5, 2018, at 1:25 PM, Peter Thatcher <<>> wrote:

Even though you have discussion in the IETF going on at<>, I think that it's worth having discussion here about the Web API side of things.  I think almost your entire proposal could be implemented in JS/wasm with the following Web APIs:

- SLICE (what I proposed two virtual interims ago as part of

Yah, when you first proposed SLICE, I thought wow that works really well for a design like snowflake. I realize that was by design to allow that type of flexibility. There are some details to sort out but I see them as very aligned.

- QUIC data streams (
- A low-level audio/video encoder/decoder API (like what I proposed at TPAC in 2017)

I would love a low level API like particularly with the options to have downloadable codecs much like we have downloadable fonts. Bernard had suggested that long ago and I feel like it’s an idea we should explore a bit deeper now that we have things like wasm

I think having those APIs available for your idea to be possible to implement in a web context (or other similar ideas) is a great direction to go.

The only thing I think your proposal seeks that the three APIs above cannot provide is a mechanism for replacing the STUN/TURN message format.  It could allow for new STUN/TURN message formats if run over QUIC, but if they need to be outside of QUIC, then it would need be standardized first in the IETF and then added into SLICE.

I had just not thought of doing STUN2  / TURN2 inside QUIC but it seems like a good idea.

Received on Monday, 5 March 2018 22:10:13 UTC