Re: What would you like to see in WebRTC next? A low-level API?

Am 24.01.2018 um 00:37 schrieb Bernard Aboba:
> I'll provide some more detailed comments later, but would like to provide a few high-level thoughts (with my Chair hat off).
> Overall, my experience with developers is that they care most about stability and functionality.
> If there is a way to make something work, and if it is stable enough to deploy in production, they will incorporate it into their applications, even if many of would consider it a "hideous hack".
> So enabling something new, useful and solid is a good way to gain developer mindset.
> Doing the same thing in a more elegant way can be intellectually satisfying, but can be hard to convince developers to utilize if their existing code can do the same thing, albeit somewhat more clumsily.
> All this to say that if the goal is to create things that developers will use, it is often best to start from problems:  things developers want to do, but have not been able to do so far.

Having ported a rather complex app to use addTrack&friends instead of 
the "legacy" addStream one I can say that:
1) I haven't found much that I could not do with addStream
2) it takes a lot of time and has close to zero business value
3) you pay an extra price for using the latest and greatest. When your 
CI dashboard goes red because you happen to be using Chrome's native 
addTrack because its available and not quite ready yet...
4) I mainly did this to ensure the WG doesn't specify things that will 
make my life harder in the distant future
5) if I had to start from scratch I would use the "legacy" APIs.

There is also a great disconnect between what the WG is doing and what 
(web) application developers need, judging by the (lack of) involvement 
of that group.

I am still happy with Edge's take on ORTC even though given the lack of 
support in other browsers means that doing something as crazy as 
implementing RTCPeerConnection ontop of it is viable.

Received on Wednesday, 24 January 2018 10:00:32 UTC