Re: WPT test dependencies

> Even though we do not have the equivalent of block chain's smart
> contract, we can modify the commit / review / merge process to enforce
> it.

The current process had this gem slip through as well:

In this particular case the spec was vague:
and the "behave as if" resulted in the longest spec issue ever.

At the same time the test assertion
was not passing in Chrome or Firefox or Edge. This should have raised a 
flag. It did not.

That test descriptions like "new RTCIceCandidate()" pass review is absurd.

A working review process would require to show which browsers a test 
passed in and discuss failures. If a test did not pass the ball goes to 
a person working on that browser for triage. This might result in a bug 
being filed against that browser or the spec.

Such a process is of course much more time-consuming and expensive -- 
unless you are trying to make this a "community effort".

 > Don't be shy, "Be a programmer" (TM).

looks like my last commit in the webrtc directory is more recent than yours.

Received on Monday, 5 February 2018 18:04:34 UTC