Summary of Decisions made at the November 9th 2016 WebRTC Virtual Interim


as usual we provide a summary of decisions made at the meeting to make 
sure we got the recording correct, and to provide the opportunity for 
those not present to give input.

Refering to the slideset shown [1] (more meeting info at [2]).

- Issue 871: What happens when transceiver.stop() is called? The 
proposal in PR901/Slide 10 was liked and will be adopted.

- Issues 908&917, PRs 916&918: The changes proposed by PRs 916&918 
(slide 13) make sense, and will be adopted

- Issue 714/PR 776: Support for allowing passing more data (OAuth needs 
accesstoken in addition to what is already available) from app to ICE 
agent. However, not agreed if we should just add a field to the 
RTCIceServer dictionary, or if an object should be passed to be future 
proof. Also decided that Misi and Justin will work on a PR that will 
explain how things work (including how Supported HMAC Algos are sorted 
out), and that we will later work out in which document that text should 
go (could be webrtc-pc, but could also be an IETF document). Misi and 
Cullen will also work with the IETF to sort out how how auth and turn 
servers will communicate.

- Issue 822/PR 850: Error reporting. Agreement with what PR 850 proposed 
regarding SDP line number error reporting. Decided to remove the 
idpLoginUrl attribute from "IdPNeedLogin" error in PR850, and file a 
separate Issue to sort out if more than one identity provider can be 
supported at the same time (note, that Issue was already opened [3])

- Issue 859/PR 895: PR was liked (and has already been merged, will stay 

- Issue 803/PR 913: the solution proposed in 913 was liked and will be 

- Issue 801/PR 920: PR 920 was liked, will be merged

- Issue 902: transceiver.direction is not updated by setLocal/Remote, 
but we will add an extra attribute showing negotiatedDirection. Taylor 
to author a PR

- Issue 927: Bernards strawman proposal was liked, he will author a PR

For the other items in the slide set we either did not conclude, or we 
did not get to them before the meeting ended.

Stefan for the chairs


Received on Friday, 11 November 2016 14:59:49 UTC