Re: Errors when identifying a m-line in addIceCandidate() (issue #551)

On 2016-03-17 09:25, Adam Bergkvist wrote:
> On 2016-03-17 08:44, Adam Bergkvist wrote:
>> Hi
>> We have two pieces of information in an ice candidate to identify a
>> m-line sdpMid and sdpMLineIndex.
>> The successful case is when both identifiers points to the same m-line
>> or if one identifies an m-line while the other is null.
>> We have the following uncertain/error cases
>> 1. Both are set, one identifies an m-line while the other is bogus.
>> 2. Both are set and point to different m-lines.
>> 3. One is set, and points to an non-existent m-line (clearly an error).
>> So the first question is: what should we do in 1 and 2?
>> The second question is where this should be specified. addIceCandidate()
>> is specified to do some synchronous checks on the candidate argument and
>> then start a 'process to apply' the candidate. We could either check for
>> the above errors in the synchronous section and specify it in the
>> webrtc-pc document. The alternative is to let these checks be part of
>> the 'process to apply' candidate and let the error be asynchronously
>> reported to JavaScript. In the second case, JSEP would need to specify this.
> I just realized that the addIceCandidate() I describe above (with a
> synchronous section and the 'process to apply' candidate) is not yet
> released. You find it on the master branch in the github repo. Sorry for
> that.



Received on Thursday, 17 March 2016 08:28:06 UTC