Stats update - disposition of issues

before TPAC I'm checking up whether stats is in good shape. I think it
needs a few fixes, as given by the issues list at - and there are a couple of
PRs open.

For detailed issue comments, I suggest commenting in github; for matters
of design and principle, I suggest replying to this message.

Some suggested dispositions on the open issues:

#3 getStats should not abort on a closed connection (vr000m)

This was fixed in webrtc-pc. I don't think we should copy the text over.

#5 RTCStatsType out of sync with webrtc-pc ()

Update to webrtc-pc needed. The hyphen in "inbound-rtp" and
"outbound-rtp" should be removed. Webrtc-PC should defer to webrtc-stats
as authoritative.

#7 Need to be clear what happens when a track ends or is discon ()

A pull request (#8) exists for this one. Suggest merging.

#11 Naming inconsistency ()

Jan-Ivar suggests that all RTCStats dictionaries should have names
ending in "Stats". Suggest accepting this, and documenting the principle
in the document.

#12 serverUrl for RTCIceCandidate? ()

Suggest adding the addressSourceUrl stat.

#13 Bitrate should have a definition ()

Suggest using the definition of TIAS from RFC 3890.

#16 Codec should have implementation info ()

Suggest adding this.

#17 RTCRTPStreamStats: associateStatsId vs remoteId ()

Suggest keeping the (new) name "associateStatsId" and fixing webrtc-pc.

Pull requests:

#8 Ended and detached stats for a track. ()

Fixes #7. Suggest merging.

#14 Remove protocol from src link ()


Received on Friday, 23 October 2015 09:03:51 UTC