Re: WebRTC Data Channel in Workers Proposal

> The WebRTC data channel is attached to a RTCPeerConnection, I assume the
> natural thing to do would be to make the RTCPeerConnection also usable
> in Workers?

Yes, that was my idea when I did the original proposal on Firefox and
Chrome bug trackers ;-) There were some security concerns so they
talked about make DataChannel objects transferable from the main
thread to the WebWorkers, but I think they misunderstood my proposal
and where thinking about getUserMedia instead (that definitely it's a
security concern to allow to use it from inside a WebWorker...), so
instead what it should be transferable are the MediaStream objects so
you can call getUserMedia on the main thread and after allowing its
access move the webcam stream to the WebWorker. PeerConnection objects
by themselves are totally safe to be used inside WebWorkers.

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monton de sitios diferentes, simplemente escribe un sistema operativo
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Received on Tuesday, 26 May 2015 16:35:53 UTC