Timing of CR and NG work (Re: Proposed Charter Changes)

On 04/05/2015 06:45 PM, Michael Champion (MS OPEN TECH) wrote:
> - When WebRTC 1.0 is stable (a Candidate Recommendation maybe) and there are concrete proposals on the table for a 1.1 or 2.0 API out there, W3C can convene some sort of formal or informal consensus-building exercise with the various people and organizations that have put skin in the game for WebRTC 1.0, ORTC, and one or more alternate proposals and the real-world data they produce. W3C staff can assess whether they can create a charter with critical mass of people who will sign up for it.  That could happen anytime, no need to wait until early 2017 *if* 1.0 is largely done and there are 1.1/2.0 draft specs on the table.
Note that 1.0 as Candidate Recommendation is the first stable state (in
the pre-2014 process, it was what happened after a successful Last Call;
in the post-2014 process, it is a WG decision to ask for that status,
with documentation of wide review).

This status is targeted at Q4 2015 in the charter we're discussing.

In the charter that Microsoft formally objected to, we had the phrase:

" The working group will, once WebRTC 1.0: Real-time Communication
Between Browsers <http://w3c.github.io/webrtc-pc/> reaches Candidate
Recommendation, consider working on a new set of low level
object-oriented APIs for real-time communication."

In the charter proposal we're currently discussing, which was fielded
after discussions with Microsoft, this phrase was deleted.

So it seems that we're in violent agreement about what needs to happen
and when, we just keep objecting to proposed formulations on how to
describe it (or whether to describe it) in the charter text.

Surveillance is pervasive. Go Dark.

Received on Tuesday, 7 April 2015 07:44:26 UTC