Re: Re: Re: Avoid sdp mangling in WebRTC by setting codec preferences - review request.

On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 6:41 AM, Kiran Kumar Guduru <> wrote:

>  Hi,
> Please find my comments inline.
> ------- *Original Message* -------
> *Sender* : Justin Uberti<>
> *Date* : May 19, 2014 02:26 (GMT+09:00)
> *Title* : Re: Re: Avoid sdp mangling in WebRTC by setting codec
> preferences - review request.
> This is a slippery slope towards full capabilities introspection from JS.
> I'm not opposed to that, but it's clearly not in scope for 1.0.
> [KIRAN] I might be bit late to suggest this, but I hope it is good to move
> this in webrtc1.0 to avoid risky SDP Mangling.
> Also, the use of createOffer options to specify the preferences is the
> wrong place. I think the right place for this control surface would be on
> the RTCRtpSender/Receiver object, as that avoids the need for separate
> audio and video APIs, and lets the codecs be controlled per-track.
> [KIRAN] The reason for proposing this in createOffer instead of
> RTCRtpSender/Receiver is as follows.
> 1. To reduce the changes that may require in existing API, because of this
> API (if any).
> 2. To be almost in sync with the existing approach. i.e., we are changing
> the codec preferences now after createOffer, which will be moved just
> before that.
> 3. For having multiple m= lines, for example to support multiple video on
> a single connection (m= lines for each video stream in SDP), we can pass
> different sequences of preferedVideoCodecs in options.
>     The same can be attained by using RTCRtpSender/Receiver. I am not
> opposing it, but there is a small chance that may in ambiguity in this case
> which made me to consider createOffer-options.
>     For setting preferences using RTCRtpSender/Receiver, we have to set
> them in both Sender and Receiver (which starts encoder and decoder
> respectively). If by mistake order of codecs got changed between Sender and
> Receiver, then it will result in error scenario. This sort of issues may
> occur when multiple video/ audio are used.

What do you expect preferredXXXXCodecs to do? My understanding was that it
just would rearrange the order of codecs in createOffer. If so, this only
affects the RtpReceiver.

Adding multiple sets of options for each m= line to createOffer is a
non-starter; RtpReceiver is being added to avoid this sort of thing. If you
want this proposal to be considered, please reformulate it in terms of

I also suggest you add a use case to your document to make it clear what it
is trying to accomplish.

> Regards,
> Kiran.
> On Sun, May 18, 2014 at 6:38 AM, Kiran Kumar Guduru <
>> wrote:
>>  Hi,
>> has been replaced with
>> Only name change, to make it appear in recweb related documents list in
>> rtcweb status pages.
>> Kiran.
>> ------- *Original Message* -------
>> *Sender* : Cullen Jennings<>
>> *Date* : May 18, 2014 22:18 (GMT+09:00)
>> *Title* : Re: Avoid sdp mangling in WebRTC by setting codec preferences
>> - review request.
>> I’ve forwarded this to the webrtc group instead of rtcweb as I suspect
>> that is also a good place to discuss it.
>> On May 16, 2014, at 11:03 AM, Kiran Kumar Guduru wrote:
>> > Dear Chairs,
>> > I published an ietf drat related to RTCWEB wrok
>> draft-guduru-ietf-rtcweb-codec-preferences-00.
>> > The intention of this draft is to avoid SDP mangling.
>> > It extends the RTCPeerConnection to allow JS application to set the
>> codec preferences, instead of doing it through SDP mangling.
>> > When I read the JSEP spec, I find that codec preferences is the only
>> thing that requires SDP mangling, but remaining cases we can manage with
>> constraints.
>> > I hope this draft will be very helpful to make WebRTC more robust and
>> will become a working group draft soon.
>> > I request you in person to review the draft and let me know your
>> comments.
>> > The following is the link for the same.
>> >
>> >
>> … snip …
>> >
>> > Have a Nice Day,
>> > Kiran.
>> >
>> > <201405162033058_Z7RK8XTA.gif>

Received on Monday, 19 May 2014 14:09:07 UTC