Re: What should happen to the ICE gathering state when iceTransports is changed?

Apologies for the formatting. Copy-paste into Gmail resulted in non-WYSIWYG
behavior. Retrying:

Consider the scenario where .iceTransports is set to 'relay', and so relay
gathering occurs first; non-relay gathering only occurs after
.iceTransports is changed to 'all'. This is the scenario where a callee
wants to avoid disclosing their location (real ip address) until accepting
the call.

The flow goes something like:
- new PC({iceTransports: 'relay'})
- setRD(offer)
- createAnswer
- setLD(answer)
- onicegatheringstatechange(gathering)
- onicecandidate(relay1)
- onicecandidate(relay2)
- Possibility A: setConfiguration({iceTransports: 'all'})
- onicecandidate(null)
- onicegatheringstatechange(complete)
- Possbility B: setConfiguration({iceTransports: 'all'})

In case A, we could definitely release the gathered ICE candidates
immediately, with no issues. But in case B, does it make sense to emit
them, since gathering has completed?
1) Emit them. No state change occurs. You called this API, you deal with
it. (Simple, but may cause issues, especially if onicecandidate(null) has
triggered an end-of-candidates signal to the remote side.)
2) Transition back to gathering, emit the candidates (which will happen
immediately, necessarily), go back to complete. (Changes the meaning of a
"complete"->"gathering" transition, which previously only occurred on a new
m= line being added, or an ICE restart. May have the same issues as above,
with end-of-candidates)
3) No candidates are emitted, no state change occurs. The new type of
candidates is gathered on the next ICE restart. (Complicates the use case
above; remote side would need to re-offer with ice restart after accepting
the call. But no signaling issues, and allows changing iceTransports to a
more restrictive type.)

On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 6:14 PM, Justin Uberti <> wrote:

> Consider the scenario where .iceTransports is set to 'relay', and so relay
> gathering occurs first; non-relay gathering only occurs after
> .iceTransports is changed to 'all'. This is the scenario where a callee
> wants to avoid disclosing their location (real ip address) until accepting
> the call.
> The flow goes something like:new PC({iceTransports:
> 'relay'})setRD(offer)createAnswersetLD(answer)onicegatheringstatechange(gathering)onicecandidate(relay1)onicecandidate(relay2)A:
> setConfiguration({iceTransports:
> 'all'})onicecandidate(null)onicegatheringstatechange(complete)B:
> setConfiguration({iceTransports: 'all'})
> In case A, we could definitely release the gathered ICE candidates
> immediately, with no issues. But in case B, does it make sense to emit
> them, since gathering has completed?
> Options:1) Emit them. No state change occurs. You called this API, you
> deal with it. (Simple, but may cause issues, especially if
> onicecandidate(null) has triggered an end-of-candidates signal to the
> remote side.)2) Transition back to gathering, emit the candidates (which
> will happen immediately, necessarily), go back to complete. (Changes the
> meaning of a "complete"->"gathering" transition, which previously only
> occurred on a new m= line being added, or an ICE restart. May have the same
> issues as above, with end-of-candidates)3) No candidates are emitted, no
> state change occurs. The new type of candidates is gathered on the next ICE
> restart. (Complicates the use case above; remote side would need to
> re-offer with ice restart after accepting the call. But no signaling
> issues, and allows changing iceTransports to a more restrictive type.)

Received on Monday, 9 June 2014 01:42:12 UTC