Re: Why does screen sharing require a browser extension?

On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 12:09 AM, cowwoc <> wrote:

>  Hi Justin,
> On 25/11/2013 6:58 PM, Justin Uberti wrote:
> Others have already made the points I was going to, but I'll summarize:
> - Screensharing is more dangerous than webcam access, because the attacker
> can record the screen, AND control what is displayed on it.
> Agreed but only if you interpret screen-sharing as co-browsing. It is
> possible to limit screen-sharing to read-only screen recording, without the
> ability to control what is being displayed on it, in which case none of
> these security concerns exist.

There is no such thing as read-only screen recording in a JS app (as
mentioned by myself and others).

>  - It only takes one frame to capture sensitive information - far less
> than would be noticeable by a user.
> Agreed.
>  - Requiring unambiguous opt-in for sharing, and being able to remotely
> disable bad actors, are therefore the best hope of security.
> I think that is a bit of a cop-out. It reminds me of Windows XP asking you
> "Are you sure you want to open this file?" implying that the user knows
> more than the browser whether the file can be trusted. In 99% of cases,
> they do not. The sounds like a "cover your ass" question so we can later
> tell the user "Well... I warned you. You have no one to blame but
> yourself." No wonder no one pays attention to these warnings. I think we
> can do better (more on this below).
>  - To opt in, the user will need to install an app or extension, and when
> actually sharing, select the window/desktop to be shared from a consent box.
> We should present a consent box and ask which window/desktop to be shared
> every time the app is opened, not just the first time the app is installed
> (unless the user asks us to remember his preferences).

Yes, this is what I was proposing. The app install requires an additional
explicit step, but each sharing operation will require the user to select
which window or desktop they want to share.

>  - Installing through an app store is an explicit grant of trust by the
> user to the application (similar to installing a desktop app). Visiting a
> web page is not.
> I disagree. Allow me to explain why I believe this security model (which
> is used by Android) is broken.
> I install an app and get asked whether it should be able to access my
> contacts, use the camera and empty my bank account. 99% of the time, I have
> no idea why the application needs these permissions but I proceed anyway
> because I want to try the application. I believe you'd end up with a far
> better permission situation if you presented the consent box immediately
> before the permission was needed. Meaning, if the app asked to access my
> contact list immediately after I asked it to share a picture with my
> friends, I'd understand why. Asking me during installation time does not
> provide me with the necessary context to make a decision and results in me
> forgetting that I ever granted permission in the first place because I only
> got asked once.
> You should be asking me every time the app required a permission, not just
> once (unless I ask you to remember the choice) and you should do so right
> before you need a permission, not all up-front.
> None of this is specific to an extension versus a web page, but I believe
> the latter is a better fit (no need to install a plugin).
> By the way, I fail to see why you couldn't present a consent box the first
> time I visit a web page. Java does this the first time you launch an applet
> off a website. Why couldn't Chrome do the same for embedded WebRTC
> applications? You could present the exact same permissions dialog you get
> on app store. None of this depends on the use of browser extensions.

I think you are attacking a strawman. If you re-read my point above, I am
suggesting the use of both an app install mechanism AND consent grant by
the user for every sharing request.

> Gili
> On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 12:23 PM, cowwoc <> wrote:
>> On 25/11/2013 3:20 PM, Martin Thomson wrote:
>>> On 25 November 2013 12:13, cowwoc <> wrote:
>>>> Pick colors which no one is color-blind to.
>>>> Your friend *saw* the border, he just didn't know what it meant. I am
>>>> willing to bet that if it pulsed, he'd definitely see it.
>>>> If you add the alert icon with the tooltip as Java did, there would be
>>>> no
>>>> confusion as to the meaning of the border. I've used this feature live
>>>> and I
>>>> can tell you it was very easy to understand.
>>> I'm fairly certain that doesn't work either.  The problem, of which I
>>> provided a specific example, is something that I will call "chrome
>>> blindness".  Users don't notice this stuff.  Despite 15+ years of
>>> training, the lock icon still doesn't work as advertised.
>>  But the border is flashing! :) Anyway, I'd argue an extension is even
>> worse. You install it once and forget what it is actively recording. It
>> might not be malicious but you could still mistakenly share some pretty
>> embarrassing stuff.
>>  How does requiring each app to publish a separate extension on Chrome
>>>> Store
>>>> scale any better?
>>> Justin's example might scale, depending on how app stores are managed.
>>  I don't get it then. What did you mean by "it doesn't scale" with
>> respect to having the AppStore approve/ban SSL certificates associated with
>> apps? After all, the way apps are approved in the first place is by signing
>> them and approving the certificate. So how is this any different? This is
>> just an AppStore where the user does not need to explicitly install an app.
>> All other steps remains identical.
>> Gili

Received on Tuesday, 26 November 2013 16:51:13 UTC