Re: New editor's draft (v20130603)

On 6/4/13 11:05 AM, Adam Roach wrote:
> On 6/3/13 09:37, Adam Bergkvist wrote:
>> Hi
>> A new version of the editor's draft is available.
>> Dated version: 
>> Living document:
>> Changes include:
>>     Added IceRestart constraint.
>>     Big updates on DataChannel API to use new channel setup procedures.
>> Please review and provide feedback.
> Back in January, we had a couple of exchanges on the list about 
> addIceCandidate needing an error callback. There was no opposition and 
> at least weak support for doing so. Can we make sure that this makes 
> it in the next revision?

I think Cullen said he was planning to add that and other items I 
mentioned in "RTCPeerConnection webidl notes" on 5/13/13.Here's a short 

1. Make iceServers a sequence rather than a webidl array.
  2. Wherever EventInit is mentioned, link to
     and remove bubbles and cancelable language.
  3. addStream talks about a failure callback it doesn't have.
  4. addIceCandidate needs a failure callback to handle bad passed-in SDP.
  6. local/remoteDescription attributes are not nullable even though "a null
     object will be returned".
  9. Address webidl "shortcoming" (that dictionary keys are inherently 
     by specifying default values in the dictionary where things are 
truly optional
     and perhaps adding language to enforce invariants with exceptions.

.: Jan-Ivar :.

> /a

Received on Tuesday, 4 June 2013 15:47:53 UTC