Re: Allowing RTCIceServer to contain multiple URLs

On Mon, Jun 3, 2013 at 3:37 AM, Iņaki Baz Castillo <> wrote:

> In some RT protocols, the client does load-balancing and failover
> based on NAPTR/SRV records. For example, a SIP/XMPP client gets the
> SRV records of its domain, chooses one server and, since it does not
> respond, it connects to the next one. That mechanism is builit-in the
> protocol.
> The reason to do with this NAPTR is that NAPTR allows you to provide data
on the preference order for the services or to provide info on what
protocol to use to get the services.  Load-balancing in the way you
describe (just go to the next one in the list) can be accomplished simply
by listing multiple responses (e.g. A or AAAA
records).  There may be some systems that don't do that correctly, but I
doubt that they'd handle NAPTR records better (if at all).



> If the WebRTC client performs a NAPTR query and retrieve multiple
> servers, it can try all of them in a *transparent* way for the JS
> application. If instead a single DNS A or IP is given, such a failover
> feature is lost (or should be implemented at JS layer).
> --
> Iņaki Baz Castillo
> <>

Received on Monday, 3 June 2013 16:38:52 UTC