Re: [rtcweb] Proposed message to send to the IETF rtcweb and W3C WebRTC working groups.

Am 22.07.2013 19:45, schrieb Roman Shpount:
>> It's hard work and there are some points where this is PITA, I have
>> discovered numerous bugs in chrome (and the jingle spec) along the way, but
>> it's certainly not unfeasible.
> Out of curiosity, does the same code work with Firefox?

Yes, feel free to fork it at and 
try the example. The core mapping has been relatively stable since I 
showed the first public version at the xmpp summit in Brussels six 
months ago.

Things like chrome suddenly (in canary) requiring a mapping of a=rtcp-fb 
weren't helpful and required extra work, but I do not expect this to 
happen too often once the SDP requirements are agreed upon.

It even sends to and receives rtp from Jitsi, even though no side is 
playing out anything yet; that can hopefully be resolved in Berlin.

Received on Monday, 22 July 2013 18:28:07 UTC