Re: Language

On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 at 6:11 PM, Cullen Jennings <> wrote:
> Totally agree with you - this is more of a sketch of the API than a full spec - I tried to make that clear on the mailing list. It would be great to have you join the public mailing list.

Cool cool. I don't really have the bandwidth to follow the list, but
I'll try to follow it.

> Personally I think that Ian should be given huge credit but I have tried to stay out of however it is that W3C decides this and just leave the draft however W3C wanted it. I'd be thrilled to see everyone who had contributed, obviously including Ian, fully acknowledged in acknowledgment section. I will note the top of the doc has "Initial Author of this Specification was Ian Hickson ...."

The Acknowledgments section is under no such restrictions. Not sure
who would have told you otherwise. See e.g. or

Anne — Opera Software

Received on Sunday, 3 June 2012 09:19:54 UTC